There is no bright line between what is a legal issue and what is a commercial or social issue - the law permeates commerce and society and a discussion of one necessitates considering the others.
An individual's training and background will give them a different toolkit when interacting with the law: lawyers think like lawyers, engineers think like engineers, doctors think like doctors etc. Questions about how that may influence the perception and understanding of legal risks and opportunities are on-topic for this site.
While the law is the law, understanding that the lawyer does not understand, say, the engineering risk may lead them to be very risk-averse to a low probability-low consequence risk and overlook a high probability-high consequence risk. The lawyer may see years of expensive and time-consuming litigation, the engineer may see a 5-minute fix, or vice-versa.
While negotiating a contract is a commercial venture, its also a legal one and questions about that are a fit for this site.