The question was posted by a troll who's banned from the network until at least 2026. You can verify this by looking at the account associated with the question was posted from and checking the profiles on other sites. This troll repeatedly creates new accounts (which are later merged together by Community Managers like Cesar M) to posts questions, often with controversial premises, and then argues with anyone who engages. Often the questions repeat topics (you may have seen a few about surgery, for instance). Generally, such posts should be custom flagged or flagged rude/abusive (where obvious or already indicated as such by others) for deletion.
If you believe a question asked by the troll is worth having on the site and answering (as this one could be), you are free to re-ask it yourself.
Stack Exchange, as a general rule, does not permit posts by banned trolls to remain on the site, as the point of a ban is to prevent a user from posting. Allowing the posts to remain up would give the troll what they want: attention and the opportunity to waste other users' time. It also robs site users of the ability to work with an asker who is interacting with them in good faith to improve the question.