It looks like I've created both us-president and potus. I'm not sure why I did that; should we merge them?
2 Answers
Do not merge with "President"
I favor merging the tags potus and us-president, but I strongly oppose merging either with president. We get enough questions specifically about the role, powers and duties of the US President specifically that a separate tag is justified. The tag president is for officials having that title in any country, and should so remain.
I suggest that both potus and us-president tags are merged with the extant president tag accompanied by the relevant jurisdiction tag
president has, at the time of writing, 110 questions, been active for over 6 years, and has the following user guidance:
For questions regarding heads of state with the title "President." Should be used with a jurisdiction tag to indicate which country the question is about.
Also related: Should the newly created [trump] tag be deleted or be merged with the [president] tag?
And, to a lesser degree, here: Do we need a Trump-tag?