I have been told:
ensure that when you answer a question tagged with a specific jurisdiction, your answer is for that jurisdiction
And that:
Nobody uses tag in their answers.
This seems to be countrary to the guidance here:
Even if you supply a jurisdiction tag, we expect and encourage answers dealing with other jurisdictions – while it might not answer your question directly, your question will be here for others who may be from those jurisdictions. If you do this, please tag your answer using the tag markdown: [tag: some-tag]
I'm also trying to follow the example I see from other frequent contributors:
- https://law.stackexchange.com/a/89814/46948
- https://law.stackexchange.com/a/89353/46948
- https://law.stackexchange.com/a/88751/46948
- https://law.stackexchange.com/a/88699/46948
Because I am a new contributor compared to hszmv, I wonder whether I have misunderstood the policy.
I have always tried to tag any Canada-specific answer as such. I follow the pattern I've observed in other jurisdiction-specific answers that simply place a tag at the top of the answer without additional explanation, as I understood this is what the tag implied. I understood this to imply that the following content is applicable only on the tagged jurisdiction.
- Is this the correct way to tag an answer as jurisdiction-specific?
- Should jurisdiction-specific answers include an explicit explainer in text that says material that follows the jurisdiction-specific tag only applies in that jurisdiction?
- Or is that what is implied by the tag itself?