It was suggested in a comment by Laurel on Trish's answer to Jen's Meta question on jurisdiction tags to edit the "Ask Question" modal. I agree that that's a good idea, especially considering the consensus to remove any-jurisdiction. Here's my suggestion for the text, partially based on the SE default:
Welcome to Law Stack Exchange! You're ready to ask your first question, and the community is here to help! To help you get the best answers, we've provided some guidance:
If you're interested in answers for a particular jurisdiction, please specify that jurisdiction in a [tag] (link to help page on tags). If you'd like answers from around the world, leave off the jurisdiction tag.
Most of our users are not lawyers, and even those who are do not give legal advice here. The purpose of this site is to answer general questions about the law, [not to apply it to your circumstances] (link to legal advice policy). Please do not rely on anything you read here.
Before you post, [search the site] (link to search) to make sure your question hasn't been answered.
Summarize the problem
Provide details and any research