We have received well over 600 questions tagged copyright. This is now effectively – and by far – our most common tag. And many copyright questions, even when not duplicates, are amenable to the same answers.
We should try to find and catalog its "canonical answers." I've made a custom of doing that in the Tag Info – for example, see the fair-use info. But copyright does not yet have any canonical answers.
I realize the tag info is rarely checked but, at the very least, when a new question is asked that we can't close as a duplicate, it is much easier to post a comment suggesting the asker check the canonical answers in the associated tags (than to hunt through hundreds questions for the exact answers I know I've seen).
Update for clarification: Yes, there is plenty of nuance in copyright law. But there are some questions that are appearing over and over. For example, variants of "Is it legal to copy something protected by copyright as long as I don't sell it, or if I just do it for my own amusement?" have appeared often enough that existing answers are more than adequate, and I know (but can't easily find) at least one is really good and worth highlighting in the tag info.