The reasons for closing Why potentially guilty of theft if you pick wild mushrooms on someone’s land for reward, but not if to deprive land owner of opportunity to pick? feel unjust.
Does this answer your question? s 4(3) Theft Act 1968 — Why is picking wild produce on another person's land not theft? – Nij 2 days ago
Can Nij not read the questions? They're both based on the Theft Act 1968, but unmistakably different.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question, is obviously, intended for a law student to work out themselfs. – Mark Johnson 2 days ago
But I want to know the answer, and I'm not a law student.
@DaleM The first comment implied this, so no reason to go into details. The copy and paste question type is a sign of a homework assignment that others are expeded to answer seemed to me more important. criminal law - Why potentially guilty of theft if you pick wild mushrooms on someone’s land for reward, but not if to deprive land owner of opportunity to pick? - Law Stack Exchange Mark Johnson 2 days ago
Again, not a law student. I'm not a student at all — therefore no homework. I WAS a student of music.
I'm stunned a law website would close something with so little evidence. Mark Johnson — do you think that anyone who copies and pastes a law book or website is doing homework?