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6 votes

What is Justice? - Has Several Downvotes. Advice on how to rephrase

Your question, as stated, isn't a neutral request for information – it should be. By insisting on statutes defining "justice", you've especially made it impossible to answer the question, since ...
user6726's user avatar
  • 216k
6 votes

Is the "don't ask" help page at odds with what's on topic here?

I think that the wording "You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face" encourages requests for legal advice and discourages questions about principles of ...
user6726's user avatar
  • 216k
6 votes

Is the "don't ask" help page at odds with what's on topic here?

I changed You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face. To You should only ask practical, answerable questions and questions about general legal ...
Nicolas Chabanovsky's user avatar
5 votes

Why banned from asking in law?

The moderators will have to answer technical questions about your case, but this is basically a consequence of the SE model. You are supposed to ask good questions and give good answers, and the ...
user6726's user avatar
  • 216k
5 votes

Is asking "what are my legal options in this case" on topic?

When I was a Court official, we were allowed to answer "What are my legal options here?" (being factual) but absolutely not "How should I proceed to use them/which option is the best/ what should I do ...
Tim Lymington's user avatar
5 votes

Is asking "what are my legal options in this case" on topic?

I would emphasize that the Q&A pointed to in the comments by Andrew are still the standard. As a practical matter, I can point out some trivial changes to the form of your question that would ...
feetwet's user avatar
  • 22k
5 votes

Is worse better?

It’s a feature not a bug Stack Exchange is explicitly different from other Q&A sites like Quora (fun though that site is), in that we are explicitly looking for quality, definitive answers. This ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 218k
4 votes

How to ask a good question?

A good question Don't make it about you or your personal circumstances. We can't give legal advice, and your question will often just be better if you take the time to think about the more general ...
K-C's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I please get some help solving my problem in a way that fits well with law SE?

In general, the answer to, "Can Law.SE help me solve my legal problem?" is explicitly no. (See legal-advice) On most Stack Exchange sites (including Law.SE), a question of the form, "What are all ...
feetwet's user avatar
  • 22k
4 votes

Can I ask for a sample contract?

No, that would fall under the prohibition on specific legal advice. If you don't want to pay a lawyer to provide you with a contract, you can find "boilerplate" contracts on many other sites. (And ...
feetwet's user avatar
  • 22k
4 votes

Posts with Urls that no longer exist?

If there are no answers, I typically vote to close them as unclear what you're asking. You can also try linking to an archive from the Wayback Machine. If there is an answer that I can reverse ...
A. K.'s user avatar
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4 votes

How do I improve this question?

The question is full of typographical and grammatical errors, some of which defy comprehension. Run it through a spell checker. Run it through a grammar checker. Format it for readability. Use ...
feetwet's user avatar
  • 22k
4 votes

Is worse better?

Obviously, these are just my observations and suggestions. This is a diverse community and other users may have different preferences. This answer is mostly consistent with a previous answer about how ...
Jen's user avatar
  • 65.7k
4 votes

Is there a policy on editing questions to clarify them after answers have already there been posted?

Change to question invalidates my answer, what to do? In general, that's not allowed - the OP of the question should not change his/her question in a way that invalidates existing answers See also: ...
Jen's user avatar
  • 65.7k
3 votes

Is the "don't ask" help page at odds with what's on topic here?

Background The "Asking" page in the help centre is standard across all Stack Exchange sites (or, at least, all the ones that we've had a look at). It is a legacy of Stack Exchange's origin as Stack ...
3 votes

Legal theory and deference of a corporate law question de lege ferenda to

"Why a law is what it is"? and "What the law should be?" are off-topic.1 Such questions are usually migrated to Politics.SE, or closed as "Primarily opinion-based." Legal theory is mentioned in ...
feetwet's user avatar
  • 22k
3 votes

Policy/consensus on how to indicate country/jurisdiction (in text, title or tags)?

It seems to me that the ideal question would specify jurisdiction both in the question itself, and in a tag. Moreover, when it is specified only in the question, it seems helpful to add it to the body ...
David Siegel's user avatar
3 votes

Can one question posted on this Law site be simultaneously posted on the Politics site for alternative input?

We can't do better than the answer to this very FAQ on Meta.SE. Helpful clarification on that guidance is also in this other question.
feetwet's user avatar
  • 22k
3 votes

Drawing the line on Impeachment

The line between law and politics is drawn in the sand, and changes as the winds shift. Like porn, we know recognize it when we watch it, even though we can't define it. A labor-intensive solution (is ...
user6726's user avatar
  • 216k
3 votes

Why banned from asking in law?

You triggered an automatic block See What can I do when getting "We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"? Relevantly: An automatic filter is in place to ban ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 218k
3 votes

Producing several focused questions with duplicate content

SE provides a "reason" for closing, which does not necessarily correspond to the reasons that the 5 voters had (or fewer, if closed with a diamond hammer). Very often, there are multiple ...
user6726's user avatar
  • 216k
3 votes

What is the problem with this question?

It's hard to speculate about why anonymous voters disliked your post. Perhaps it's because, despite 10 versions, the post still doesn't answer questions like those posed in the comments (e.g. "I ...
Pat W.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Proper Question Structure

It's unlikely we need a prescibed format, but we do have procedures in place already As you might notice, there are many questions about india recently, many of them by two users. Quite some of the ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 43.1k
3 votes

Is there a policy on editing questions to clarify them after answers have already there been posted?

Yes, there is a policy It is a general Stack Exchange policy, not specific to law. Editing questions to clarify or illustrate the problem are fine, but not if they invalidate already existing answers. ...
3 votes

Is there a good way to clarify between theoretical "what exactly does the law say" and "what could practically happen in the real world" questions?

I think your question falls into the problem associated with point 4 here: Avoid making assertions about how the world is or what the law is. The more you try to tell us how things really are, the ...
Jen's user avatar
  • 65.7k

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