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6 votes

What is the difference between [vehicle] and [motor-vehicle]?

Some vehicles are not motorized or simply don't count as what is defined in a statute as a motor vehicle. For example a horsecart is a vehicle but not motorized. All Motor vehicles are vehicles but ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 43.1k
5 votes

should the "legal-terms" and "terminology" tags be merged?

Good suggestion. Fully implemented.
5 votes

Should the new-york and the new-york-state tags be merged? Is the latter the better of the two?

Yes and yes and its done
5 votes

Should we merge the us-president and potus tags?

Do not merge with "President" I favor merging the tags potus and us-president, but I strongly oppose merging either with president. We get enough questions specifically about the role, ...
David Siegel's user avatar
4 votes

revert tag:enw to tag:england-and-wales

Currently, there is no enw tag in existence (anymore?) and it's impossible to make a synonym on a nonexistent tag. ENW - like other acronyms - should not be used as a tag, as it might mean multiple ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 43.1k
4 votes

We have too much free speech

Agree that free-speech should be a synonym. The usual guidance is that synonyms eventually be merged. In this case, "free speech" is a popular lay term, so I suspect we might want to maintain the ...
Pat W.'s user avatar
  • 6,134
3 votes

What is the difference between [currency] and [money]?

All currency is/was money but not all money is currency. Currency is money which is authorised by law: UK Pounds, US Dollars, Thai Baht etc. Money is anything that is used as a store of value and ...
3 votes

Merger of [Trees] and [Treelaw]

I say keep trees because usage shows this is what people are gravitating towards.
alexg's user avatar
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2 votes

Should the [llc] tag be merged with the [limited-liability-company] tag?

Yes Also, make LLC a synonym for the long form.
Trish's user avatar
  • 43.1k
2 votes

Should the "tradename" tag be merged with "trade-name"?

I had thought that a single word "tradename" was correct, but according to https://www.merriam-webster....
David Siegel's user avatar
2 votes

Should the newly created [trump] tag be deleted or be merged with the [president] tag?

Former President Trump had a good many legal issues related to his actions and to actions against him that are unique, both in volume and in nature. I think this tag is potentially useful.
David Siegel's user avatar
1 vote

Recommend tag merger: equity - equitable-relief

Again, not synonyms Equity has to do with the law of equity. Equitable relief is one of the remedies under the law (equity or common law).
Dale M's user avatar
  • 218k
1 vote

Recommend tag merger: equity - equitable-relief

This looks reasonable to me. we don't hsve many questions that really fit under equitable-relief, perhaps it should be a synonym. I gather someone disapproves of this proposal. It would be helpful if ...
David Siegel's user avatar
1 vote

Recommend tag merger: judge - judiciary

These are not synonyms A judge is an individual. The judiciary is the arm of government. It's like saying the President is the same as the Executive or a politician is the same as Parliament.
Dale M's user avatar
  • 218k
1 vote

Should the [immigration] tag be merged as a synonym for [immigration-law]?

Yes I agree that immigration should be merged with immigration-law.
David Siegel's user avatar
1 vote

Should the [taxes] tag be merged as a synonym for [tax-law]?

Merge and synonymize It seems like taxes is used as shorthand for tax-law or any sort of tax-obligation prescribed under such tax-laws.
Trish's user avatar
  • 43.1k
1 vote

What is the difference between [vehicle] and [motor-vehicle]?

Maybe "motorized-vehicle" tag could be made a synonym of the "motor-vehicle" tag. I have seen the phrase "motorized-vehicle" in a DMV manual before. I would think that ...
grovkin's user avatar
  • 2,598
1 vote

The [us-federal-government] tag

There are questions that are specific to U.S. federal law and federal government, and it makes sense to distinguish these from questions about law in the U.S., which could apply to states or multiple ...
feetwet's user avatar
  • 22k
1 vote

The [us-federal-government] tag

I feel that us-federal-government should actually be 'burninated' - its trying to do something that would be better done with two separate tags: united-states and government. It is not a synonym for ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 218k

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