An exchange below Has the patent process been patented? about a close vote goes something like:
" to close "because it belongs on..." is generally not a valid close reason in Stack Exchange.
Of course it is; I do it all the time.
What if you're wrong?
I don't care.
What if there's a move to migrate it and it's rejected?
That's fine; it happens.
Usually the OP decides where to ask, and the community decides only if it is on-topic where it's asked.
I'm the double-block quoted individual and I think my understanding of how SE works is correct on all counts. For close votes we vote based on on-topicality locally. Only the OP decides where to ask, the community decides if it's on-topic or not.
While advice can be also offered where it might be better asked, that doesn't constitute a close reason by itself.
And only moderators decide if, when and how migration actually happens.
If I"m not mistaken this is how SE sites work throughout the whole network.
- Are things done differently here? Is "close because it belongs on" a valid close reason, or must a question be shown to be off-topic to close as off-topic?
- Is my question about the patenting process off-topic here?
Potentially relevant: Could the scope of Law accommodate the full scope of Ask Patents?