For years we wanted to start a stackexchange for [country]'s law exactly like this, but with [insert number below 100m] people we naturally don't have a chance to create one on its own. Like [country], several other countries also don't have the mass to start its own stack exchange for their law. Until we found this Beta.
I searched on the help center and I didn't saw any problem in adding Q&As about the law of [country]. However, there are a couple of points that I would like to bring before trying to create a community of people from [country] in this SE:
A) Contrary to other stack exchanges, there is no common element besides being "Law". I.e. Programming is global, English is global, Physics is global, Math is global, but law (except international law) is always in respect to a specific country or region. Thus, every question should contain a country-tag (e.g. usa, canada, uk) that identifies the country (when the tag is missing, it means USA). Do we agree on this?
B) I didn't found any specific rule regarding the language in the help center, and I confirmed that this is an ongoing discussion on Meta. Do we agree that we should write in English, that any relevant citation of the law can be kept in the country's language, but it should be summarised in english?
The thing is that SE is the best tool to community-based Q&A, and this SE seems like the right place for all those questions about [country]'s law. On the other hand, we don't want to disrupt the existing rules of this SE.