We get a lot of questions of the form
Person X did / wants to do conduct Y (in jurisdiction Z). Is this legal?
But I can think of many different interpretations of the word "legal" here, so I am never sure how to answer such questions. It could mean:
Is there a criminal law forbidding Y in jurisdiction Z?
Could X be punished criminally for doing Y? (fine, community service, imprisonment, execution, etc)
Is it likely that X would actually be prosecuted and/or convicted for their conduct?
Is there a civil law forbidding Y in jurisdiction Z?
Could X be required to pay a civil penalty for doing Y?
Has X committed a tort by doing Y?
Has X violated the terms of some binding / enforceable contract by doing Y?
Could X be held liable for monetary damages for doing Y?
Could someone get an injunction to order X not to do Y?
Is it likely that X would actually be held liable for Y in the event of a lawsuit, with significant damages awarded?
I could go on. But can anyone offer general guidelines for how to handle such questions?
Should we simply ask the poster to clarify what they want to know?
What about posters who are not sufficiently familiar with the law to understand all the concepts I mentioned above, and who might therefore have difficulty clarifying their questions?