Multiple issues brought up by What's the statute of limitation on fragging?
- The title doesn't mention jurisdiction; the body gives a scenario of the US military and Vietnam but doesn't explicitly limit answers to that; the OP only tagged it military but later someone else tagged it united-states. (Impossible to tell if that was the OP's intent.)
- Neither title nor body mentions 'UCMJ'. The body does say 'US soldier'; the title doesn't.
- 'fragging' isn't exclusive to the US military, nor did it only happen in Vietnam
- Fragging was common in the Russian wars in Chechnya, and not unknown with the UK in Afghanistan, US in Iraq and presumably other wars unpopular with the troops.
- The term 'fragging' originated in Vietnam, but is now understood to refer in general to troops killing their commanding officer. But this title will cause confusion, some will think it is synonymous with both 'US military' and 'Vietnam'. If the OP's intent was to get answers for military jurisdiction in general, then at best the body will be confusing. People will be unlikely to post answers about Chechnya, Iraq etc. if they think they won't be upvoted or accepted.
I reviewed the 13 mentions of 'jurisdiction' + 'title' on Law.Meta but there isn't much clarity:
- Policy/consensus on how to indicate country/jurisdiction (in text, title or tags)? and in particular its accepted answer suggests "In fact, even if the asker specifies a jurisdiction, answers for different jurisdictions are welcome as they may be helpful to other visitors with the same question." (Regardless whether you agree with that or not, presumably clarity is better in the body and title).
- What should the asker accept, and how should we vote, for questions without a specified jurisdiction?
- also: When would a legal question need not include jurisdiction?
Anyway my personal recommendation for this specific question would be to change the title: "What's the statute of limitation on fragging?" to either "What's the statute of limitation on fragging under UCMJ?" or " military jurisdictions?" depending on the OP's intent. Yesterday I had left a comment saying "if you only want answers for UCMJ, then please edit the question to say that" but no response.